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Educe Holdings Group kv

Business Operations

The company manages the wholly owned Wenet and Certify subsidiaries and oversees the operations.

Group Summary

At Educe Group we strategically manage and
support the business of developing
"people" with all their needs in today's
complicated and diverse society.
Educe Group will continue to grow and
develop with the market.

Right up to the 21st century, the Japanese employment system based upon a system of seniority where the age and education background、has been paramount, but now more and more, individual abilities and talents are taken into consideration. Many of those who have the motivation are trying to learn new things to build on their skills and abilities, to enable them to survive in this harsh business climate. The Educe Group is always providing educational business support to help them become individuals who can meet the needs of society and supporting their ambitions and intellectual desires. We do our best to support them to help society to the fullest.

The three principles of enterprise.

The Educe Goup manages two businesses. One is the business of The Qualification Certification Approvals under CERTIFY Inc. The other one is the publishing business by Wenet Inc., which produces teaching materials for the business education field. The stocks of CERTFY Inc. and Wenet Inc. are 100 percent owned by The Educe Group, which governs and manages these two companies' business. The Educe Group strives to maximize their performances and their values.